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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 61   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 61

Resolved that such an Address be made as recommended
and Ordered that the Comitee of Laws prepared the same
The Peticon of Nichs Croutch being read in the house
wherein he prays an Alloweance for Severall services by him
done for Esqr Randolph in Wrighteing Publick business
Was considered and is referred for sattisfaccon to such
psons as Employd him
The Peticon of James Frisby Esqre being read in the house
wherein he prays an allowance for the import of Twenty Six

P. R. O.

Negroes that arrived in Captn Thornbury and dyed before
sale of them was here read
And Putt to the Vote whether the Peticon shalbe rejected
or not
Carried in the Affirmative
The Peticon of James Stoddard relateing to an Agreement
between him and the Emperour of Piscattaway was here read.
This house doe conceive that the Petr is noe ways barred
of his claime from the Indians by meanes of the Artickles of
peace lately made with them
Therefore this house referrs the Petr to the Gent in those
parts to be appointed for decideing differences betwixt Eng-
lish and Indians to heare and determine the same
The Peticon of Major Dorsey recomended this house as

To his Excy the Govr & the Honoble the Genll Assembly
now sitting

The humble Peticon of Edwd Dorsey most humbly Sheweth
To yor Excy and this Honoble Assembly that whereas you
were pleased the last Session to lay an heavy fine upon yor
Petr which he is in noe wise capeable of Answering haveing
noe money in England and a great charge of many Children
in this Province to Supporte and Maintaine and now the said
fine being demanded of him he has noe other meanes or re-
fuge to have recourse to but yor Excy & this honoble Assemblys
Clemency and favour in remitting the Same wch he can in noe
ways answer but to the utter ruine not only of himselfe but
his Wife and Twelve children who are inseparably involved
in yor Petrs misfortune
Hee therefore most humbly prays your Tender considera-
tion of this and his Family's sad Chance and that you would
at least for the sake of his poore children Extend your wonted

fo. 34

Clemency and Goodness to him in remitting the said fine
which if Leavyd will be the ruine of him his wife and poore
children who will allways acknowledge yor Goodness and pray
for yor Prosperitys
Which said Peton being read was endorsed as followeth vizt


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 61   View pdf image (33K)
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