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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 58   View pdf image (33K)
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58 Assembly Proceedings, April 26- May 9, 1700.

P. R. O.

Which being read Ordered that Mr James Benson Exr of
the said Samuell Withers be called in and that Robert Smith
Esqr be desired to attend the house

fo. 30

Thereupon the said Robert Smith Esqr and Mr James Ben-
son enters the house
Mr Speaker was pleased to demand of the said Doctor Ben-
son if he had anything to Object why an Act Should not pass
for Sale of the lands of Mr Withers for Paymt of his Just
debts who answerred that he is and allways was willing the
same should be sold for that Purpose
The Same question was proposed to Mr Robt Smith who
answerred that he had a Mortgage of the same lands, not-
withstanding was willing that it Should be sold for paymt of
the said Withers Debts with provisoe that the debt due to
him should be first paid, but that the mortgage cannot at
Prsent be produced they are desired to withdraw and Orderd
by the house that the consideration be further referred.
And for as much as the lands of Mr John Llewellin cannott
at prsent be discovered therefore the Consideration thereof is
likewise further referred.
The Gent Appointed to treate with the Visitore of the free-
schoole &ca Enters the house and delivers Mr Speaker a re-
porte of their proceedings therein which was read and referred
till tomorrow morning for further consideration
Ordered that the Serjeant Attendant Command Thomas
Reynolds Sherriff of Ann Arrundell County imediatly to at-
tend the house
Who being called in was by Mr Speaker demanded the
reason why the Publick Letters of this house were not dis-
patched for St Marys County according to direction he an-
swered that he had taken all possible care he could for their
Speedy Conveyance and that he had Sent them by A Mes-
senger to Capt Thoms Blake High Sherriff of Calvert County
requireing him to forward them by all Expedition but the said
Blake refuseing so to doe were brought back
Whereupon Mr Thoms Reynolds was ordered to withdraw
the house

fo. 31

And for as much as the house haveing fully Examined the
whole matter conceives that the neglect of Speedy Convey-
ance lay in Mr Thomas Blake through contempt to authority
Therefore resolved that the Serjeant Attendant to this house
forthwith take the said Thomas Blake into his Custody and
bring him before this house to answer the aforesd contempt
which was ordered accordingly
The house adjournes till tomorrow morning nine A Clock

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 58   View pdf image (33K)
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