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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 56   View pdf image (33K)
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56 Assembly Proceedings, April 26- May 9, 1700.

P. R. O.

To the Ordnance of Assembly for transcribe
ing the Laws for the Severall Countys ac- 120. 00. 00
cording to Ordinance of Assembly

Orderd that the same be sent to the Committee appointed
for Stateing Publick Accots, which was delivered to Capt"
Hoskins a Gent of that Committee
Then was read a Peticon of one John Gough of Charles
County preferred the honoble Judges for probatt of Wills &c
and by them recomended to this house for their consideration
Which being read It was ordered by the house the same be
endorsed as followeth

By the house of Dellegates
May 3 1700

The within Peticon being recomended to this house, the
same was here read, and for as much as this house conceives
that the Petitioner may have his remedy at Common Law
against the within named John Bayne the Admr who, as the
Petr alledges receives the meane proffitts of the land therefore

fo. 24

the Peticon is rejected
Signed p Order W Taylard
Clk House of Dellegates

The Honoble Thomas Tench and Robt Smith Esqr deliver
Mr Speaker two Severall peticons the one being the peticon
of Mary and Joseph Vansweringen relateing to the Sale of
lands of Mr Jno Llewellin and Samll Withers for the paymt of
their just debts
The other being a Peticon of Sevll Merchants and traders
in Potomack river thereby representing to his Excy and Coun-
cill the great inconveniency they are Putt to by meanes of the
greate distance between the prsent Collectors and Navall
Officer assigned for tht River
Which was thus Endorsed

By his Excy the Govr and Councill
Aprill 30th 1700

Upon consideration of this Peticon as well for Secureing
his Majts dues and preventeing frauds as for dispatch of trade
it is orderd that the Collector be and is hereby obliged to ap-
pointe and keep a Deputy in the Upper parte neare the
Navall Officers and the said Navall officers in like manner to
Keep a Deputy neare the Collectors who are hereby charged

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 56   View pdf image (33K)
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