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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 55   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 55

Resolved that the County be divided as prayed and that
the same be referred to the Comittee of Laws to prepare a
Bill for that Purpose
Comittees are all sent out
The Committee of Election and Priviledges enter the House
and prsents to the house there reporte as follows :
This Committee haveing before them the Writt for Election
of one Dellegate to Serve for Calvert County and haveing
Examined and inspected the said returne doe finde and
reporte that Mr Wm Parker is duely Elected and Chosen a
Dellegate to Serve for Calvert County and Indentures thereof
returned accordingly
Jno. Stanley Clk Comee of Elecn & Privge

Mr Parker being called into the house
It is ordered that Majr Walter Smith and Mr Elisha Hall
goe with the said Parker to his Excy and Councill to see him
They returne and say they have seen him sworne
The house adjournes till 2 o Clock

Post Merediem

Eod. Die The house mett againe and were called over
Present as in the morning and Mr Wm Parker a Member
for Calvert County appeared and took his place
Colll Jno Hammond and Francis Jenkins Esqr enter the

P. R. O.

house and delivers to Mr Speaker a Petitionary bill for con-
firmeing Land &ca. Ordered to be read tomorrow morning
likewise Mr Wm Bladen Clk of his Majts honoble Councill
brought with him the Association and Test to be signed by
Mr Loyd and Mr Parker which being signed p Mr Loyd and
Mr Wm Parker
Mr Bladen withdraws
A Bill for the Service of Allmighty God and Establishment
of the Protestant Religion.
Read the 1st time and Orderd to be read tomorrow morning
Thomas Tench and Robt Smith Esqres enters the house and
delivers to Mr Speaker an Accot of his Excys disbursemts which

May 2d 1700 The Province of Maryland Dr to his Excy the

fo. 27

To Bills of Exche lent the Countrey and Sent

£. s. d.

by Coll Beale to Colll Addison to pay the

200. 00. 00

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 55   View pdf image (33K)
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