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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 53   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 53

Samuell Withers should not be sold for the payment of his
debts he answerred that he would Concurr with the Sale


Refferred till tomorrow morning for further consideration
Proposed by a Member of the house that the Navall Officers
of Pattuxent and Annapolis accot for the publick dues arrise-
ing from ships that goe to the Easterne Shoare after they have
entred with them to the publick Treasr on the Easterne shoare,
and for the publick dues arriseing from Shipping that re-
maines on the Westerne Shoare to the publick Treasr on
the Westerne Shoare which being taken into consideration of
the house it is
Resolved that an Ordnance be drawne for that purpose and
sent his Excy and Councill for their Concurrence therein
And for as much as Mr Robert Mason publick Treasr on the
Westerne shoare lives at one side of the province and remote
from the Porte of Annapolis which makes it difficult for
psons concerned to have recourse to him
Resolved by the house that Mr Samll Young a Member of
this house whose habitation is neare the center of the West-
erne Shoare be assigned and appointed Publick Treasr for the
Westerne Shore instead of Mr Robert Mason
And Orderd that message be sent his Excy & Councill for
concurrence herewith

By the house of Dellegates
May 2d 1700

Orderd that the Naval Officers of Pattuxent and Annapolis
give an Accot for those publick dews arriseing from Shyps
that goe to the Easterne Shoare after they have entred with
them to the publick Treasr of the Easterne Shoare
And for the publick dews arriseing from Shipps that
remaine at the Westerne Shore to the Public Treasr on the
Westerne Shoare that each Treasurer may have the just per-
quisites of his office

P. R. O.

And for as much as Mr Samuell Young a member of this
house lives in or neere the Center of the Westerne Shoare
and neere the Porte of Annapolis
Orderd that he be assigned and appointed Publick Trear
for the Westerne Shoare instead of Mr Robert Mason whose
habitation being at one side of the province makes it difficult
for psons concerned to have recourse to him if his Excy and
Councill consent thereto
Signed p Order W. Taylard Clk
house of Dellegates

fo. 25

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 53   View pdf image (33K)
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