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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 52   View pdf image (33K)
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52 Assembly Proceedings, April 26- May 9, 1700.

P. R. O.

Orderd that Mr James Saunders Mr John Hall Majr John
Lowe and Mr Walter Cambell and Mr Walter Lane be ap-
pointed a Committee to enquire into the agreiviances of this
Resolved that the same Comittee be impowered to call be-
fore them Majr Edward Dorsey and treate with him about the
purchase of a house and Lott of land in the Towne of Anna-
polis such as shalbe thought most convenient for secureing
the Publick Arms and Amunition &cd and to discourse him as
well of the vallue thereof as the title he can make to the
All which they are to reporte to this house for further con-

fo. 73

It is also resolved that the same Comitee for Agrieviance

be likewise empowered to treate with the Visitors of the free-
schoole concerning the placeing and Secureing the Publick
Library in some convenient rooms in the Schoole house and
for that purpose the Gent are orderd to meet at the house of
Mr John Freeman at Seaven a clock this Evening, and there-
upon it is desired that such members of this house that are
visitors give their attendance at the Time and Place aforesaid
Proposed by a member of this house whether it be not
necessary that the Publick Armes lodged in the Sevll County's
of this Province be forthwith fixed and Cleaned
Resolved that the respective Millitary Officers take care that
the County's arms soe lodged be forthwith fixed and Cleansed
at the Charge of the County's and
Ordered that an Ordnance be drawne up for that purpose
and Sent to his Excy and Councill for their concurrence.
The house adjournes till 2 o Clock in the afternoon

Eodem Die The house mett and were called over
Present as in the morneing
Moved by a member of this house that a former proposall
for payment of Leavy's in money might be putt to the Vote
Putt to the Vote whether the same shalbe paid in mon'y or
Carryed in the Negative
Moved by a Member of the house that forasmuch as there
was a proposall made the last Sessions of Assembly for an
Act to pass for the Sale of Mr Samll Withers land for paymt
of his debts and was againe moved
Ordered that Mr James Benson Exr of the said Withers who
now gives his Attendances be called in
James Benson enters the house And being demanded by

fo. 24

Mr Speaker if he had anything to object why the land of M'r

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 52   View pdf image (33K)
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