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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 51   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 51

ing Comittee of this honoble house which we conceive neces-
sary to be appointed for the said purpose
As to the Artickle about demolishing the Indian forte we
thinke it to be matter of very great consequence and will ad-
mitt of no Certaine determination untill the Sentements of the
Indians be first Sounded thereupon Therefore it is though[t]
most proper to be in like manner referred to his Excy and the
Standeing Comittee of this honoble house who will be best able
to take such measures according to the Severall Circumstances
of Affaires
As to the 5th Artickle it is our opinion that the sd former
Order be renewed for the appointeing some psons to Treate
with the Indians at the head of the bay
It is likewise our opinion that in obedience to his Majts
Command a good strong house be forthwith built for the Se-
cureing of the Powder belonging to and for the use of the
Province And it is further concluded that the great Roome in
the Schoole house is a proper place for an Armoury and is
referred to this house to treate with the Visitors of the said
freeschoole for the Liberty of placeing the Arms there untill
the said Scoole house be more imediately appropriated to the
use it was built for, and it is likewise our opinion that the
other lower roome is a very fitt place for a Library to be kept in
Likewise Mr Richard Beard was sent for to treate with him
about looking after and cleansing the publick Armes and gave
this answer; that he could not make any pticular Contract for

P. R. O.

lookeing after the said Armes but is willing as soone as any place
provided to take the charge of the said Armes and cleanse
them and draw up a bill for his Trouble and referr it to the
laying of the next Publick Leavy whether he deserve soe much
or noe or otherwise to sattisfy him what is thought worth
Phill Lloyd Chaireman

Which reporte was read in a full house
And the house concurrs with the Committee in the second
and fowerth Artickle in his Excys message relateing to the
Orderd that there be a Bill drawne up agreeable thereto
This house doe concurr with the 3d Artickle in the said
Ordered by the house that it be incerted in the same bill
that there be power given to his Excy the Govr and Commit-
tee to be appointed to demolish the Indian forte or continue
it as it is according to their discreton.
The fifth artickle being likewise debated it is
Ordered that the matter therein contained be incerted in the
same bill And orderd that it be drawne up and prsented the
house for further consideration.

fo. 22

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 51   View pdf image (33K)
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