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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 50   View pdf image (33K)
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50 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-May 9, 1700.

P. R. O.

and to Examine and State the Accots thereof and make re-
porte to this house as well of what money is now due and
oweing to the Schoole and in whose hands it lyes as alsoe wt
money will remaine to the freeschoole when the same is finished
and full power is given them by the house to command any
persons concerned to bring all Such papers relateing to the
same as shalbe necessary for the better discovery thereof as
they shall see Convenient
The house adjournes till tomorrow morning 9 o Clock

Dies Iovis May 2d 1700
The house mett againe and were called over
Present as yesterday
Ordered the Committees be called into the house
Read what was done yesterday
Moved by the Gent appointed for inspecting the business of
the freeschoole that there might be some other members joy-
ned with them
Thereupon orderd that Maj John Lowe Mr Walter Cambell
and Mr Walter Lane be added to the Same Committee
The Gent appointed to conferr about the Indian affaires &ca
enters the house and prsents Mr Speaker with there Reporte
which follows vizt

Att a Conference held at Mr John Freemans at the Porte of
Annapolis this Ist May 1700

Then Present
The honoble Coll. Jno Addison Coll John Courts and Coll
John Hammond of his Majts honoble Councill and likewise Majr
James Smallwood Majr Thomas Ennalls, Phillemon Lloyd,
Majr Walter Smith Mr John Wight Mr Samll Young members
of the house of Dellegates

fo. 21

Forasmuch as the infidellity of the Indians is notorious to
every one and the uncertainty very great whether they will
come in or noe According to the late Artickles of Peace con-
cluded on between his Excy the Govr and the said Indians, it
is therefore the opinion of us nominated to be of this confer-
rence in answer of the Second and fowerth Artickles of his
Exncys message to this honoble house relateing to the Indian
Affaires that the Rangers which are now sent out be contin-
ued out in case the Indians doe not come in but if the said
Indians doe come in and behave themselves civilly it is then
our opinion that this Affaire be referred to his Exncy prudent
Conduct and Management being therein assisted by a Stande-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 50   View pdf image (33K)
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