Ordered Mr Bladen be sent for in whose Custody the Jour-
nail remaines.
Mr Wm Bladen enters and is Commanded to bring here the
Journalls of the free Schooles who answers he will goe for them
and returne Imediatly
Capt Phillip Hoskens from the Comittee of Accounts enters
the house and Prsents to the honoble Speaker the following
Accots of Capt Gerrard Sly vizt.
One Account Titled the Province of Maryland Dr beginning
in the yeare 1675 and Ends October 1677.
One other Accot Titled the Province of Maryland Dr in the
yeare 1676
And one other Acco' by the said Sly Exhitted as being
Admr of one Chillman deceased stiled Province of Maryland
Dr To Richard Chillman Deceased Anno 1677
Which said Accounts being referred to the house
Ordered the same be read which being read viewed and in
spected it appeares that the same Accots are of long Standeing
And for as much as there hath been many Sessions of Assem-
bly subsequent to those times to which the said Sly might
have then apply himselfe if any thing due
Therefore it is Utterly Rejected
Mr Wm Bladen enters the house and brings wth him the
Journalls of the Visitors of the freeschooles and delivers them
to Mr Speaker and is thereupon dismist
Resolved that Mr James Saunders and Mr Jno Hall be ap-
pointed a Committee to inspect the business of the freeschoole