Proposed by a Member of this house that it is absolutely
necessary that some Repositary or place be particularly
appointed to Secure the Publick Library of this Province
Resolved this be likewise referred to the Conferrence and
Orderd That Major James Smallwood Mr Thomas Ennalls
Mr Phillemn Loyd Majr Walter Smith Mr John Wight and Mr
Samuell Young attend Some of the Gent of the Councill to
Joyne in such Conferrence.
Resolved that message be prepared to send to his Excy in
Order thereunto wch follows vizt
By the house of Delegates
Aprill 30 1700
The message by the Honoble Coll Courts and Francis Jen-
kins Esqr relateing to Storehouses for Keeping and secureing
the publick Arms and Ammunition And the other message by
James ffrisby Esqr and Colll John Hamond about the Indian
Affaires was here received and read and this house humbly
prays yor Excy will be pleased to appoint some of the Gent,
of the Honoble Councill to conferr with some Members of
this house as well to consider of wt is in the sd Messages
recomended to this house as also of some Convenient place
to secure the Publick Library of this Province This house
haveing appointed Majr James Smallwood Majr Thomas
Ennalls Mr Phill. Lloyd Mr Walter Smith Mr John Wight
and Mr Samll Young to Joyne in Such Conference and to
attend such of his Majts Councill as yor Excy shall appointe
at such time and Place as they shall direct
Signed p Order. W. Taylard
Clk house of Dellegates
The house adjournes till tomorow Morning 8 a clock