By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
Aprill 30th 1700
Herewith is Sent you a Coppy of one of his Majts Royall
instruccons to his Excy relateing to Storehouses for Keeping
and Secureing of Publick Arms and Ammunition, whereupon
it is recomended to yor consideration and care to provide some
convenient house in this Towne for a Publick Storehouse to
receive and Secure the Publick Armes & Ammunition of
this Province upon their Arrivall from England and that some
person be appointed to take Accot of looke after and Cleane
the said Armes for that Severall of them for want therefore
are much diminished by rust and the Cartouch Boxes belts
and Swords Scabards Eaten by the ratts and several of the
Arms lost and the Powder lyeing in a dangerous manner no
pticuler pson haveing the charge thereof
Signed p Order Wm Bladen Clk Councill
Coppy of the Instruccons vizt
You are to take especiall care that fitt Store houses be set-
tled throughout that province for receiving and Keeping of
Armes and Amunition and other Publick Stores
N Blakiston