Aprill 30th 1700
The house mett as yesterday and Mr Walter Cambell ap-
peared and tooke his place
Then was read over what was done yesterday
A Proposall by a member of this house relateing to the
Repeale of the Act of Religion
Resolved that the same be Revised And thereupon Capt
Richard hill Mr Edward Loyd Mr Wm Hutchison Mr Richard
Tilghman Majr Wm Whittington Mr Thomas Ennalls be
orderd and appointed a Comittee for Laws &ca and Com-
manded by the house to revise the Act for Religion and to
draw a new bill to offer to this house with full power given
them to command what books and Assistance to attend them
as shalbe needfull
Resolved that Majr Thomas Smith Colll John Tompson and
Capt Phillip Hoskins be and are appointed A Committee for
Inspecting and Stateing the Publick Accounts
The honoble James ffrisby and Colll Hammond enters the
house and delivers to the Speaker the following message with
the Artickles of peace with the Indians for the pusall of this
house vizt
By the Govr and Councill in Assembly
Aprill 30th 1700
Gent herewith is sent you an Accot of the late Treaty with
the Indians by which they seem to desire the freindshipp of
the English and returne to the land they went from
Upon this subject you are desired to consider