returns of the Writt for Electing a Delegate to Serve for Tal-
bott County instead of Wm Hemsley deceased and finde that
Mr Phillemon Loyd is duely Elected and chosen a Dellegate
for Talbott County and Indentures returned according to Law.
Thereupon it is Orderd that the said Mr Lloyd accompany
Mr Loockerman and Mr Hicks to attend the Councill board
to be Sworne.
Mr Loockerman and Mr Hicks returne and say they have
delivered their message And the said Mr Loyd is Sworne in
Councill according to order of this house
Resolved by this house that the Election of John Nutwell is
not good for that the Writt was not duely Executed according
to Law Therefore Orderd that Warrant to the honoble the
Secrty be sent to issue a new Writt for Election of a Dellegate
to Serve for St Mary's County instead of the said Nutwell.
Mr William Parker a Member Elected to Serve for Calvert
County appeareing and being demanded where the Inden-
tures of this Election were lodged he replied he knew not.
Resolved therefore that Express order be sent to Mr Blake
high Sherriff of Calvert County comandeing him to bring to
this house the Counterparte of the said Indentures which
Order is as followeth
By the house of Dellegates
Aprill 29 1700
Capt. Blake
It Appeareing to this house that Mr William Parker has
been elected a Dellegate to serve for your County in this
prsent Genii Assembly and for that this house have not the
returns of the Writt of Election but Prsume the same is either
lost or miscarryed, you are therefore required forthwith upon
Sight hereof to make your personall appearance here and
bring with you the Counterparte of the said Indentures taken
at the said Parkers Election that for want of such Deputy the
business of the province may in noe ways be hindred or de-
Signed p Order Wm Taylard Clk
house of Dellegates