house and in reguard the Executeing the same will create a
great charge, it is desired you would Give yor Sentiments
whether the charge thereof in right ought to be borne by the
proprietorys between whom the dispute was or a tthe Publick
charge of this Province his Excy being Ready to performe
what is enjoyned him when he knows on whom the charge is
to rest.
Signed p Order
W. Bladen Clk Councill
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
April 20th 1700
Herewith is sent you a Coppy of a Parragraph of his Excy
the Rt Honoble the Earle of Bellemonts Letter to his Excy the
perusall and consideration whereof is recomended to you by
this board and that for the better defence and Security of this
his Majtys Province you would propose and advise what mea-
sures are fittest to be taken in case any such ill accident should
happen which is of great consequence and moment
Signed p Order
W. Bladen Clk Councill
Coppy of Parte of the Earle of Bellemonts Lre to his Excy
Boston March 1700
We have had a Warme Reporte of a Genll insurrection de-
signed by the Indians in this and all the neighboureing pro-
vinces and Collonys against the English I prorogued the Genll
Assembly of this Province but yesterday after a Sessions of
nine days, in wch shorte time wee passed Twelve Bills into