The house adjournes till Monday morning 11 o'clock
Dies Lunae Aprill 29th 1700.
The house mett againe wanting the following membrs, Capt
Thomas Wauhop, Mr Jacob Moorland Mr Phillip Clarke Decd
Mr Michaell Miller Mr Symon Willmore and Mr James Crau-
ford deceased Mr George Ashman deceased Mr Thoms Sealey
and Mr Wm Hemsley deceased Wm Harris Collo Hance Han-
son both wanteing and Mr John Carvill Sherriff and Mr Wal-
ter Cambell wanteing.
The Honoble James ffrisby Esqr and Colll John Hammond
enter the house and delivers the following message
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
Aprill 27th 1700
Gent You having not only Ingeniously but soe candidly
Exprest your Selves in answer to what his Excy was yesterday
pleased to say to you, which is here very kindely received
This board cannot have any apprehension but that you will