yor Excys reguard for the Province in Genii and every one of
us in Perticular.
We thankfully acknowledge yor Excy hath mannaged the
Affaires of this province without the least Charge and Expence
that Could be: yor Governmt hath been discreet, Just, easy
and most Acceptable to us all and if any difficulty come upon
this Province and us wee will never seditiously, factiously nor
with anger and reflections Secretly murmure and Grumble
but with upright and honest hearts according to our Duty and
Candour and freedome in proper place represent such
greivances to your Excy being entirely confident of yor Excys
redress: in the mean time wee have no apprehension that any
difficulty will be to us by your Excys procurement
The Glory of God and advancement of this his Majts
Province and good correspondency with our neighbouring
Colonys shalbe our endeavor and if his Majty hath been
pleased to Repeale the prsent Act for Establishing the Pro-
testant Religion yett will we not be discouraged but endeav-
our by yor Excy conduct to adjust matters soe agreeable to
his Majte Pleasure and Genll Satisfaction of this Province that
wee hope his Majty will at length by Law Establish religion
amongst us according to the Church of England that our
children and Posterity being preserved in the Unity of the
Church from faction and schisme in honesty and charrity may
become good and Sober men, loveing Virtu & flying Vice
the rationall consequence of Trew Xtian Doctrine, which God
Preserve amongst us
Wee never had the least apprehension of his Majtys
Obstructing our Liberty and wee have a Sufficient Assurance
of his Royal Atchievments for the preservation of it if it be
at any time unjustly obstructed : we are assured that such
obstruccon proceeds not from his Majty the whole course of
whose Governmt proclaims his goodness to his Subjects,
nether have wee any fear of yor Excllency's perverteing his
Majts Instruccons: wee acknowledge you have well repre-
P. R. O.
sented his Majts Clemency and discreetly managed the Pre-
rogative and are truely senceible of our owne happiness
under yor Excys Government of which wee heartily wish the
About the affaires that may happen to be considered of this
Sessions, since yor Excy leaves it to us wee shalbe willing to
proceed in the usuall way of conference and message and
desire to decline all Strife and Contention and without any
Jealousy or Suspicon, with one heart to promote his Majts
Service from wch the True interest of this province cannott
be seperate Signed on behalfe of the house
Thoms Smithson Speaker
fo. 7