By the house of Delegates
Maij 1o 1704
This Lre hath been here read and approued to be sent our
agent in England, To which this house prayes the Councills
concurrence Signed p order
W Taylard Ci house Del
and ordered the following message be here Entered
By the house of Delegates Maij 1o 1704
May itt please yor Excy
Your Excy will see by the Letter wee haue propose to be sent
to his late Excy Coll Blakiston our agent tht wee haue desired
him to renew our humble prayer on behalfe of our unfortunate
brethren that lye under Navigaon bonds, and because wee are
fully assured of yor Excys good resolutions to promote the
interest of the Province, and relieue the Distressed, wee humbly
pray yor Excy to lett yor great and good interest att court be
applyed to our Agents Assistance in this important Matter, in
such Manner as to yor wisdome shall appeare most proper
Signed p order W Taylard Cl house Del
Putt to the Question wher importers of Liquors att the head
of the bay to be carryed to Virginia, are obliedged to pay a
part of the Duty of the 3d p Gallon or not
Resolued that all importers, that import and carry Liquors
thro' the Bay shall be obliedged to pay the fourth part of the
Duty for Debenture, and the Navall officer is by the House
obliedged and Strictly Enjoined to take bonds of all importers
wth securityes with condition that such importers, shall not vend
or sell such Liquors, or any part of itt in this Province
Mr John Smith humbly prayes Leaue of the house that he
may be pmitted to goe home, in the morneing, alleadgeing
his brother is very ill, his care and Due attendance being con-
sidered by this house, he has Liberty to Depart accordingly
George Muschamp Esqr Mr Jacob Lockerman, Mr Wm
Whittington & Mr Matthias Vanderheyden sent up to his Excy
& Councill with a Lre to his Late Excy Coll Blakiston our
agent and a Message thereon
They returne and Say they Delivered the Same