P. R. O.
The affaires of New Yorke has been againe pressed upon
us but relyeing on what you advise us, that wee shall not be
obliedged to doe any thing till our Neighboures contribute
theirs, Wee haue rested itt on tht foott, and hope you will find
some way at least to procure our reliefe from that burthen
Wee herewith communicate some resolues of this assembly
wch you are desired with your wonted Skill and application to
agitate for us, they would be of great use and benefitt to this
Ist That you would Endeavr to procure a Law giveing
Leaue and makeing the way Easy for transporteing Servants,
to this place since Experience shows, that peopleing a
Countrey is the greatest step to its Growth and improvement
2d that you would Endeavour to procure longer Tyme for
payment of the whole Duty on our Tob, soe that there may
be longer Tyme given for Exportation
3d that for the future you will procure and send us all acts
of Parliament, as soone as they are made, & printed, wee
meane publick acts, and such as concerne us
4 Wee must renew our Suite touching those unfortunate
Navigation bonds, or rather the unfortunate psons that are
under them some familyes has been ruined by them already
and more in danger and many creditors defrauded of their
just debts by colour of thm for when any of them bondsmen
dye, the Exrs or admrs plead such Navigaon bonds agt all Debts
whatever, and even agt filiall portions of the children for there
has not been yett found an Estate sufficient to pay one of the
bonds, this is the case Sir, & you may judge if its not
p. 37
And lastly, we desire you that you will as frequently as may
be communicate the Effect of yor negotiation for us to
Your most obliedged humble Servants
By the house of Delegates
May 1o 1704
This Lre has been here read, and approued of to be sent
our agent in England, to which this house prayes his Excy &
Councills concurrence
Signed p order
W Taylard G house of Del
Eodem die approued by his Excy the Governt & Councill
W Bladen Cl Concil.
and was ordered to be thus Endorsed