the negligent keeping of them, often useing and turneing to
them soone weare out, and Some of them totally lost, and tht
this Comittee are of opinion tht if the originall Laws of this
Province were engrossed in Parchment Rolls, itt would be of
great benefitt & advantage to the Province, considering the
Long Duraon thereof and but little more charge than what
now it is, and there is a pson, whoe hath Parchment ready,
and is willing to undertake the same if the house think fitt
Signed p order
Richd Dallam G Committee
Which being read its resolved tht the consideraon thereof
be referred to the next Sessions of Assembly
Lre [of] the honble Coll Nathanl Blakiston agent for this
province read and approued of by the whole house, & resolved
tht his Excy the Govr be desired to concurr therewith
The house adjournes till 2 a Clock in the afternoone
P. R. O.
Post meridiem
The house mett againe being called over were prsent as in
the morneing
The Lre to the honble Nathaniel Blakiston Esqr agent for
this Province, was read in the house, and ordered to be here
Entred as followes
By the Councill and Assembly
Port of Annapolis May 1o 1704
Hond Sir
Wee haue seen yors of the 30th of July 1703 to his Excy the
Govr Councill & generall assembly & wee are well Satisfied
wth what you haue done on our account, and returne you thanks
for the same and lett us assure you by this, tht the Justice &
honour of yor administraon when among us, is yett fresh in
our minds, & will euer haue a gratefull remembrance, nor doe
wee know of anyone that hath endeavoured to defame you in
any respect, & therefore haue resolved to request you, to con-
tinue our agent, & shall giue order for the paymt of the first
yeares Sallary, which will be due the first of October next,
collecting the Tyme of beginning yor agency from yor first
arrivall in London, coppy of the ordinance for yor continuance
is inclosed
The character you are pleased to giue of our prsent Governt
John Seymour Esquire, wee find veryfyed in fact, and esteem
our selues extreamely happy in his Excy, & belieue wee shall
dayly haue cause more and more soe to doe.
The overplus of the money you haue paid for the armes wee
haue ordered to be refonded you.
p. 36