By the house of Delegates
29 Aprill 1704
By reading and considering this report its resolued tht Mr
Samll Young and Mr Charles Greenberry be appointed &
authorized to agree with workemen to make the necessary
repaires aforesaid with all convenient Speed, and the charge
shall be defrayed by the Publick to which the honble Councills
concurrence is prayed
Signed p order
W Taylard Cl house Del
The committee of Laws Enter the house, and the followeing
report was read.
By the Committee of Laws
Aprill 29th 1704
Its humbly reported to the house, That as to the Law for
Religion wee find itt necessary tht a Law be made to repeale
tht clause therein which oblieges the Vestrymen of Every
Parish to subscribe the Association
As to the Law for regulateing the militia with other tem-
porary Laws, which will Expire this Sessions (if not revived)
require due tyme for consideraon, Therefore humbly are of
opinion that the consideraon of those Laws be referred till
next assembly and the bills now prepared to reviue, and con-
tinue them till they may be revived
As to the resolue of the house upon Mr Char Pye's petn itt
being a matter of consequence, Desire tht the complyance
therewth may be referred to the next Assembly.
Signed p order
Richd Dallam Cl Comee