not but the requests therein made, that proceedings thereupon
may be stopt, will appeare highly reasonable to yor Excy, and
conduceing to the peace of the inhabitants of Maryland and
those of this Governement till such tyme as the Division Line
between the two proprys my Lord Baltemr and Wm Penn Esqr
shall be made, I am with all sincerity
Yor Excys most humble & faithfull sert
Jno Evans
Aprill 20th 1704
P. R. O.
Which being read and considered on by the house was thus
By the house of Delegates
Aprill 28th 1704
This case has been considered and debated and being
testifyed to this house; that the Land and plantations in Ques-
tion was Seated by Marylanders, & has constantly acknowl-
edged the jurisdiction thereof from the tyme of the revolu-
tion, and before by paying Leavy's, and doeing suite att Court,
and Stokely the pty Ejected by Diggs then was, and now is
a Justice of Somersett County Yett liveing on the said Land
of Cedar Neck, and therefore since his late Majesty, att the
takeing this Governement into his Royall hands, found tht
Land, and the Inhabitants within its Jurisdiction, this house
cannott advise to determine but to assert her Majesty's right
to the same till the Proprs shall runne the Line, accordeing to
order of Councill, and wee cannot advise any properer means
to ascertaine the bounds, than by the Proprs runneing the Lines
Signed p order W Taylard Cl house Del
By his Excellency the Govr and Councill in Assembly
Aprill 28th 1704
Your message by mr Salter and mr Smith has been read and
his Excy and her Matys Councill declare tht they hold itt
absolutely necessary, that her Majestyes Royall instructions
relateing to the Determining of Association, and Enacting
the oath of abjuraon, to be taken by all in office here should be
Enacted into a Law this present Session of assembly & not
further Delayed, and among many other great and weighty
reasons, therefore (besides our duty in complying with her
Majestyes most lawfull and reasonable comands) doe urge that
in the said Instructions of the Vestrymen &c. being obliedged
p. 22