Who returne and say his Excy will Grant him Commission
Coll. Charles Hutchins and Mr Thomas Brooke enter the
house and say it is his Excys command that the speaker and
the members of this house should attend his Excy and his Majts
Honoble Councill at the Councill Chamber
The house adjournes to the Councill Chamber. At the
Councill Chamber his Excy was pleased to make to the house
the following Speech.
Gent. You have now had a yeare and an halfes Experi-
ence of me which I hope will confirme you in the truth of
what I have publickly assured you of my best Endeavors for
yor Service which I promise I will allways Justly pforme.
I cannott but acknowledge that all yor Accons in our last
meeting gave me great Sattisfaction, for it was mannaged
with that accord and good agreement that there was not the
least shaddow or coulour for any ill disposed people to make
any malitious remarques of, and that good understanding
which we were so happy at first to create will I hope be mutu-
ally prserved on both sides: it is my fixed Resolution it shall
be inviolably on myne; after which I will give you all the con-
vincing proofs of what I have solemnly averred in my reguards
for the Province in Genll and every one of you in Perticular
Wherefore if you Labour under any difficultys I am ready
to redress them and assure you I will suppress all unecessary
charges and Expences to make you easy and have the vanity