They Return and say they have delivered their message
By his Excy the Govr & Councill in Assembly
Aprill 26th 1700
Gent Understanding by your verball Message by Majr
Thomas Smith and three other of your Members that your
house is mett according to Proclamation of Prorogation to
this day, and that you desire to be appointed you a Clerk, his
Excy is Pleased to leave it to your house to nominate such
Clerke and Present him to him for his Approbation, no one
having as yett addressed his Excy for that office
Signed p Order
W. Bladen Clk Councill
Orderd that Capt Richd Hill Mr James Saunders Mr Thomas
Hicks, Majr James Smallwood, Capt Phillip Hoskins, Mr Elisha
Hall and Colll Ninian Beale goe to his Excy and carry the
verball message following : —
Being required to signify to his Excy that Wm Taylard a
member of this house tenders his Service in the Office of a
Clerke of this house if his Excy shall approve thereof and
Grant him Commission for the same
They returne and say they have delivered their message.
Coll. Hutchins and Coll. Jno Addison enters the house and
delivers the following message
By his Excy the Govr & Councill in Assembly
Aprill 26th 1700
Since the house have offered Mr Wm Taylard to be their
Clerke his Excy is pleased to say that he does approve of him
to be a fitt and qualified pson for the Execution of that Office
and if the house will dispence with his Service is willing to
Commissionate him
Signed p Order
W. Bladen Clk Councill