368 Assembly Proceedings, April 26- May 3, 1704.
P. R. O.
cession of the Crowne therein mentioned, being more fully
provided for, by the aforesaid oath in aforementioned act En-
tituled an act to declare the alteraons in the oath appointed
&c. and its accordingely thereby Enacted, that soe much of
the afd act, of the Seaventh yeare of his late Majesty King
William the third, as relates to the said association therein
contained, or the requireing any officer, or other psons in the
said act mentioned to Subscribe the Same, or the Enacting
any forfeitures, penaltyes, incapacityes, or Disabilityes upon
any person for the neglect, or refusall to subscribe the same,
or that requires any Court or Courts to tender the said As-
p. 13
sociation be and are declared to be void and of noe Effect, to
all intents and purposes whatsoever, You are therefore to
moue the generall Assembly of our Province of Maryland
that an act be there passed in like Mannr to declare the As-
sociation to be Determined, and to Annull the obligaon that
lyes upon any pson there to take the Same, either by the fore-
mentioned act Entituled an act for the Establishmt of Reli-
gious Worship in this Province, accordeing to the Church of
England, and for the Maintenance of Ministers or any other
act heretofore passed in our said province whatsoever, and
that itt may be the better understood what acts and Laws are
in force, in our said Province of Maryland you are with the
councill there to take care, that all Laws now in force be re-
vised and considered.
And if there be any thing either in the matter or Stile of
them, which may be retrenched, or altered, you are to re-
present the same unto us with your opinion touching the said
Laws now in force whereof you are to send a compleat body
unto us, and to our Comrs for trade and plantations with such
alteraons as you shall think fitt, to the End our approbation or
Disallowance may be Signified, there upon
With this her Majesties Instructions his Excy recomends to
you the Explanatory observations from the Rt honble the
Comrs of Trade and Plantations herewith sent you.
2d You are to obserue in the passing of Laws that the
Style of Enacting the Same be by the Governour Councill &
assembly, and noe other, You are alsoe as much as possibly to
obserue in the passing of all Laws, that whatever may be
requisite, upon each different matter be accordingly provided
for by a different Law, without intermixing in one and the
same act such things as haue noe proper relaon to each
other, and you are more Especially to take care tht noe clause
or clauses be inserted in, or annexed to any act which Shall
be forraigne to what the Title of such respectiue acts imports.
3. You are to take care that in all acts or orders to be
passed within that our Province, in any case for Levyeing