Upon reading the Endorsement of the Councill on the bill
for recognition, resolved there be a conference to debate the
The bill for settleing a Revenue upon her Majesties present
Governeur, was brought into the house wth this Indorsement
Aprill the 27th 1704
Read in Councill and will pass when worded accordeing to
her Majesties Royall instructions relateing to three pence per
W Bladen Clk
Resolved nemine contradicente that the afd bill pass, as itt
now stands with amendment.
From the honble Councill some of her Majesties Royall in-
structions were recommended to the house, with Explanatory
observations, which was read in the house, considered & de-
bated and ordered to be Entred as followes
By the Governt and Councill in Assembly
Aprill the 27th 1704
A coppy of severall of her Majesties most Royall instruc
tions to his Excy John Seymour Esqre her Captaine generall
and Governour in chiefe of this her Province
And whereas by a late act of Assembly of our Province
of Maryland Entituled an act for Establishment of Re-
ligious Worship in this Province, accordeing to the
Church of England, and for the Maintenance of Ministers
It is amongst other things Enacted and ordained, that the
Vestrymen of Each Parish, and other persons shall before
theire Entring upon theire respectiue offices, subscribe the
Association made, and mentioned in an act made, in the
Seaventh yeare of the Reigne of his late Majesty William the
third, Entituled an Act for the better secureing his Majestyes
royall pson, and Governement. But whereas by the Death
of the late King Iames, and by the decease of his late
Majesty King William the third the subscribeing the said As
sociation is not necessary to be any longer continued, such
part thereof as relates to the Support and Defence, and Suc-
p 12