money and imposeing fines and penaltyes express mention be
made that the same is granted or reserued to us our heirs and
Successors for the Publick uses of that our Province, and the
Support of the Governement thereof, as by the said act or
order shall be directed
4. and wee doe particularly require and comand that noe
money or vallue of money whatsoever be given or granted by
act or order of Assembly to any Governr Lieuetennt Governr
or Commander in Chiefe of our said Province, wch shall not
accordeing to the state of acts of Parliament in England be
mentioned to be given and granted unto us with the humble
P. R. O.
desire of such assembly, that the same be applyed to the use
and behoofe of such Governour, Lieuetennant Governr or com-
mander in chiefe, if wee shall think fitt.
5: And whereas the genll Assembly of our said Province
has by severall Temporary laws Enacted that a duty of three
pence Sterling per hhd upon all Tobo exported out of the
said Province (over and aboue the aforementioned moyety of
two shillings p hhd) should be paid unto us our heirs and
Successors dureing the tyme limitted by Each act respectiuely
for the Support of the Governour of the sd Province Wee
being willing that a like provision be made for your better
support and maintenance in the said Governemt are graci-
ously pleased and doe hereby direct, that if the generall As-
sembly of our Province shall pass an act for Settleing upon us
the whole Duty of three pence p hhd, dureing yor continu-
ance in the said Governement or for longer Tyme, You may
(in that case) receiue and take the same unto yor own use,
over and aboue the three fourth parts of the forementioned
Moyety of two shills p hhd, as before directed.
6 : And you are to recomend to the next generall assembly
the raising of such other supplyes, from tyme to tyme as may
be sufficient for defraying the other necessary charges of that
7 : You are not to permitt any clause wtsoever to be insert-
ed in any Law for levyeing money, or the vallue of money,
whereby the Same Shall not be made lyable to be accounted
for unto us here in England, and to our high Treasurer or the
Comr of our threasury for the tyme being
8 : And it is our Express will and pleasure tht noe Law, for
raising any imposition on Wines and other strong liquors be
made to continue for less than one whole yeare, as alsoe that
all other Laws whatsoever for the good governemt and Sup-
port of our said Province, be made indefinite & without limi-
tation of tyme, Except the same be for a Temporary End, and
which shall Expire, and haue its full Effect, within a Certaine
p. 14