Annapolis the Twenty Sixth day of April in the Twelfth
yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King William
the Third &ca Annoq Dni 1700
Whereas the Genll Assembly of this Province upon the
Two and Twentieth day of July last was by his Excy Nath-
anll Blakiston Esqr Capt Genll and Governr in Chiefe of this
Province Prorogued until the 28th day of October last past
and upon further consideration his said Excy thought fitt to
prorogue them untill the Thirteenth day of Ffebruary then
following and from thence was further prorogued to this
Then appeared in The house Mr Thos Smithson Speaker
for St Mary's Citty Wm Taylard for Saint Marys Couny Major
John Lowe Mr Thomas Beale for Kent County Major Thomas
Smith Mr John Whittington for Ann Arrundell County Captn
Richard Hill, Mr James Saunders, Mr Samuell Young, for Cal-
vert County, Mr Elisha Hall, Mr John Leech, Charles County,
Major James Smallwood, Mr Phillip Hoskins, Mr Benjn Hall,
Mr Phillip Briscoe, Baltemore County, wanting for Talbot
County, Mr Richard Tilghman for Cecill County, Coll John
Tompson Somersett County, wanting Dorchester County,
Mr Thomas Hicks for Prince George's County, Mr William
Hutchinson, Colll Ninian Beale, Mr John Wight, Mr Thoms
The house having found severall members wanteing It is
ordered that Mr Speaker issue his Warrant directed to the
Honoble Secretary to Issue out Writts of Election to the
Severall Sheriffs following
One Writt of Election to the Sheriff of Kent County to
Elect two Dellegates to Serve instead of Mr Michaell Mil-
ler and Mr Symon Willmore decd.
One other Writt to the Sheriff of Baltemore County to
Elect one Dellegate to Serve in the Stead of Mr George
One other Writt directed to the Sheriff of Cecill County to
elect one Dellegate to Serve instead and place of Mr John
Carvill now High Sheriffe
fo. 1