of Maryland for the Tyme being, doe giue your or theire con-
sent to the passing any law or act for any Gift or present to
be made to you or them by the Assembly, and that neither
you or they doe receiue any Gift or present from the Assem-
bly or others on any account, or in any manner whatsoever,
P. R. O.
upon Paine of our highest displeasure, and of being recalled
irom tht our Governement Except onely that whereas there is
noe house appointed or sett apart By us, for our said
Governr and the Assembly of our said Province haueing upon
the arrivall of Coll Blakiston our late Governeur there past an
act for Raiseing a further Revenew of three pence p Hogs-
head, as an additionall allowance to him for his present Main-
tenance, dureing his Governement over & aboue his ordinary
allowance out of the Duty of two shillings p hhd upon To-
bacco Exported, Wee are pleased to permitt the Assembly to
repass the like act, for your better Maintenance, as alsoe to
assigne you a house, or Rent for the same, provided the said
Act be passed, and house or Rent assigned for an unlimitted
Tyme, or dureing your continuance in that Governement
And wee doe further direct and require that this Decla-
raon of our Royall will and pleasure be communicated to the
Assembly att theire first meeting after the Receipt hereof, and
Entred in the Registers of our Councill and assembly that all
persons whome itt may concerne may governe themselues ac-
cordingly, Soe wee bidd you farewell. Given att our Court
att St. James's the 20th day of Aprill 1703 in the Second yeare
of our Reigne.
By her Maties Command
To our trusty and well beloved Coll
John Seymour our Captn Generall
and Governr in chiefe in and over
our Province and Territory of Maryland in America, & to our
Councill of our said Province, and to our Chiefe Govr or Gov-
ernour and Councill of our said Province for the tyme being
The Governours Speech being read in this house, they pro-
ceed to debate the same.
Ist As to the Paragraph relateing to religion and Morality
Resolved that the Committee to be appointed to draw up an
Answer to his Excellency's Speech consult the laws that relate
thereto, and Report to the house what Amendments ought to
be made.
2dly as to the Second part of the Same Paragraph relating
to an allowance to be made to his Excellency the Governeur
Which is referred to further consideraon.
p. 5