P. R. O.
For I solemnely assure you Dureing my Administration
here, Ile doe my utmost to advance the Interest and Reputa-
tion of this Collony, and protect Every inhabitant wthin itt in
his lawfull rights, and Immunityes. I hope noe gent of this
p. 4
Worthy assembly will think me unreasonable craving to putt
you in mind her Majesty is willing to haue some place built,
and sett apart for her Governeur here, wch will remaine a last-
ing remarke of your Respectfull regard to the Dignity of her
Sacred Majestyes comn, as likewise an ornament to your coun-
try, and a Satisfaction to those which shall succeed me.
For you cannott think the Place where I am att prsent a
healthy situation, or a place fitt for a gentn that bears a Publick
I must Putt you in mind gentn her Majesty would haue her
Militia here soe regulated, and Disciplined, that they may be
of use to the Country on any Emergency.
I likewise recommend to yor consideraon the renewing of
our Treatyes with the Indians, that such of them as are usefull,
and honest to us, may be incouraged, and hope you will think
and advise me the Properest Methods of doeing it Effectually.
Since her Majesty to her immortall Glory makes itt her sole
business to Establish the Grandeur, and happiness of all her
Dominions, lett us with one heart and one voice pray God
almighty to bless and Prosper this our gracious good Queen
Anne with long life, and a happy Reigne over us, and lett our
Cheereful unanimous resolutions Demonstrate how sincerely
wee are her Majestyes most Dutyfull and Loyal Subjects.
I desire therefore you will all heartyly address yorselues to
those great and good ends, for which wee are now mett and
when you giue me notice your house is Settled, I will take care
to communicate to you such farther of her Majestyes Royall
comands, which I am Directed to lay before you, wherein I
will not doubt of your ready advice and assistance.
Ordered that her Majestyes Letter to his Excy Jon Seymour
Esquire Governeur &ca and Coll Blackistens Lre to the Coun-
cill be read wch followeth vizt.
Anne R:
Trusty and Well beloved wee greet you well, whereas srall in-
conveniencyes haue arisen to our Governement in the plantations
by Gifts and presents made to our Governour, by the Severall
Assembly, Wee haue thought fitt hereby to Signifie our Express
will and pleasure that neither you our Governour, Com-
mander in Chiefe, or president of the Councill of our Province