be sufficient for defraying the other necessary charges of that
7: You are not to permitt any clause wtsoever to be insert-
ed in any Law for levyeing money, or the vallue of money,
whereby the Same shall not be made lyable to be accounted
for unto us here in England, and to our high Treasurer or the
Comrs of our threasury for the tyme being
8 : And it is our Express will and pleasure tht noe Law, for
raising any imposition on Wines and other strong liquors be
made to continue for less than one whole yeare, as alsoe that
all other Laws whatsoever for the good governemt and Sup-
port of our said Province, be made indefinite & without limi-
tation of tyme, Except the same be for a Temporary End, and
which shall Expire, and haue its full Effect, within a certaine
And therefore you shall not reenact any law, wch hath, shall,
or haue been once Enacted there, Except upon very urgent
occasions, but in noe case more than once without our Express
9 : And you are particularly not to pass any Law or doe
any act, by Settlement, Grant or otherwise, whereby our reve-
nue may be lessened or impaired, without our Especiall leave
or Commands therein
10. You shall not pmitt any act or order to pass in our
said Province, whereby the price or vallue of our currant
Coyne (whether it be forreigne, or belonging to our Domin-
ions, wthin yor Governemt may be altered without our pticular
leaue or direction for the Same
11 . You shall take care that all planters and Christians
servants be well and fittly provided with arms, and tht they be
listed under good officers, and when and as often as shall be
thought fitt mustered and trained, whereby they may be in a
better readiness for the Defence of our said Province under
yor governement, and you are to use yor uttmost, Endeavours,
that such planters to each of ym keep such a number of white
Servants, as by Law is directed, and tht they appeare in Armes
att all such tymes as they shall be required.
12 : and whereas there is noe power given you by yor
Comn to Execute Martiall Law in tyme of peace, upon Soldiers
in Pay, and that nevertheless itt may be necessary, tht some
care be taken for the keeping of good discipline amongst
those, that wee may att any tyme think fitt to send (which
may properly be provided for by the Legislatiue power of the
same) you are therefore to recommend unto the generall as-
sembly of our said Province that (if not already done) they
prepare such act or Law, for the punishmt of Mutiny and
Desertion and false Musters, and for the better preserueing
P. R. O.