And the Comittee was Ordd to carry the same up to the
Govr and Councill for their assent.
Moved by a member whether it might be not convenient
that his Excy be paid the other moyety of his donation being
two hundred pounds Sterlg for that he now designes to leave
the Countrey
Resolved the same be forthwith paid to his Excy by Mr
Samll Young Trea[su]rer of the Western Shoare.
And that the following Warrts be sent to the Councill
boarde for their assent.
By the house of Delegates
June 26 1702
Resolved that the Sume of Two hundd pounds Sterlg the
remainder and in full of his Excys donations be forthwth Sat-
tisfy'd and paid unto his Excy Nathanll Blakiston Esqre by Mr
Samll Young Treas[ur]er for the Westerne Shoare & for soe
doeing this shalbe his Warrant
Signd p Ordr
W Taylard Clk house Dell