Occasion shall require that they would please to Employ such
workmen for Speedy repaireing the sd house as to them shall
seem meet
Resolved that for such worke as shalbe done about repaire-
ing the State house shalbe sattisfied for of the publick if your
Excy and Councill shall please to Concurr herewith
Signed p Ordr W Taylard
Clk house Dells
Sent up for his Excy and Councill's Assent and was againe
returnd thus Endorsed Eod Die Assented to by the Councill.
W Bladen Clk Councl
The Gent appointed to draw up the Address to her Sacred
Majty enters the house and delivers the same to Mr Speaker.
Ordd to be read and Signd in the Afternoon
The house adjournes till two o Clock in the afternoone
Post Merediem
The house mett again and being called over all were prsent
as in the morning
Mr Phillemon Lloyd enters the house Mr Wm Hutchynson
and Mr John Whittington Ordd to attend him to his Excy and
Council to See him Sworne
They returne with him and say they saw him quallified
The Address to her most Sacred Majty Sent up to his Excy
and honoble Councill to be signed.