Mr Beard againe by favour entred the house and produced
his Warrts and Orders for delivery of the powder pursuant
to an Order this day.
Whereupon its Ordered that Mr Samll Young and Mr Jno
Salter call before them the sd Mr Beard and Examine and
regulate the said account prsuant to his Warrts and Orders
and make reporte thereof to this house with all Convenient
The peticon of Mr Richd Beard praying an allowance for
the care and paines he took in delivering and preserving the
publick powdr and for removeing and Turning it for about
fower years.
Resolved he be allowed for the same Eight pounds Sterg
Recomended to the Comittee of Accounts
The Comittee of Accounts enters the House and delivers
Mr Speaker their Journall of Accounts
Which being read was endorsed
June 26th 1702
Read and Assented to by the house of Dellegates
W Taylard Clk