Which being thought reasonable is recommended to the
House that they will Suffer a Bill to be brought in therefore
& sent to the House by Mr Saunders
Read some Proceedings of his Excellency the Governeur
and Council of the eighth of May whereby for the Reasons
therein expressed his said Excellency with the Council had
resolved to give Encouragement to Col Thos Smithson chief
Justice of the Provincial Court to continue in that Station by
allowing him for one year proportionable after the Rate of
50 ft p Annum out of the 50000£ tobo which his Excellency
and this Board are impowered to levy for defraying the small
charge of the Province And the following Message sent
to the House of Delegates
By his Excellency the Governour & Council
in Assembly June the 27th 1702
We have directed the Gentlemen herewith sent to commu-
nicate to you some proceedings in Council of the 8th of May
last upon occasion of his Excellency's being informed that
Lieut Col Thos Smithson chief Justice of the Provincial Court,
and who had given great satisfaction to the Country in dis-
charge thereof, had desired to be excused, and was not will-
ing to Serve any longer in that Station. After your consid-
eration whereof we recommend to you that you would
encourage the said Col Smithson chearfully to persist in the
Execution of his Office by some suitable Reward to his Ser-
vices He being very well qualifyed for that Commission by
his Learning and great Study, and it being very creditable to
the Country to have such a person to fill that Place. Tho at
the Same time we must inform you that his Excellency affirms
the said Col Smithson hath often moved him expressing his
Inclinations as desirous to be excused from executing that
Trust any longer, but we are confident will be ready in some
great measure to forgoe his private Affairs and continue upon
the Terms proposed if the House think It may be of Service
to the Country
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Council.
Sent by Mr Brooke Col Hammond Col Lloyd & Lieutt Col
The reverend Dr Gabriel D Emilliane Mr Sewell Mr Mars-
den Mr Sharp present the following address to his Excellency
& her Majesty's Council vizt