The Upper House. 289
To his Excellency the Governeur & her Majesty's honble
Council of Maryland
The humble address of the clergy of this Province
Tho we are perswaded that you Esteem yourselves as
greatly interested in the late Establishment of Religion, as
we the Clergy, whose Support & maintenance is provided for
thereby; yet we think it our Duty to present you with our
Sincere acknowledgments for your noble & affectionate Zeal,
in carrying on so pious a work, notwithstanding the restless
endeavours, which ill affected men have used to obstruct &
frustrate so good & Christian a design
And as we humbly hope & pray your Piety will derive a
constant Succession of Blessings, both upon yourselves and
your Posterity, so we crave leave to assure you we shall
always Exert our best Endeavours to answer the Ends of that
your Establishmt and by our own Exemplary Practice demon-
strate to the Conviction of all gainsayers the necessity and
usefulness of our Sacred Institution
May it please your Honours Your Honors most obedi-
ent & most humble Servants
John Lillingston
Edwd Toope
Richd Sewell
Benjn Nobbes
Rt Owen
Richd Marsden
Hugh Jones
Joseph Colbatch
Jno Sharp
Thos Cockshutt
Henry Hall
Willm Tibbs
Gabril D Emilliane
Stephen Bordley
Joseph Holt
His Excellency for himself and her Ma:ty's Council is pleased
to assure the Gentlemen of the Clergy of their best Services
upon all occasions
Ordered that pursuant to his late Ma:ty's Royal Instructions
the number of Planters men women and Children Servants
and Slaves be taken in the several County's and sent for En-
gland to the right Honrble the Lords of the Council of trade
and foreign Plantations
Came Col Addison and took the oaths of Allegiance to her
Majesty and subscribed the Test
According to his Excellency the Governour's order and
summons appeared the vestry of St Paul's Parish on Patapsco
River in Baltimore County and it being required of them to
produce their accounts how the 40 ft) p poll raised in that
Parish has been disposed of Mr Richd Cromwell alledges for
that the Sheriff of the County Lt Col Maxwel is now very sick
but says that the Vestry have above twenty thousd pounds of
Tobo wherewith they desire to build a Chappel of Ease for the
Parishioners on the South side of Patapsco River but that
being contrary to the Law