to the same forever more: And that in all cost and charges
that shall be laid out and expended in the Premisses shall be
Defray'd and paid by an Equall Assessmt on the Inhabitants
in the said County by the petr According to the Direccon of
of the said Act.
To his Excellency Nathl Blakistone Esqr Capt Genll and
Governour in Cheife in and over his Matyes Province of
Maryland, And to his Matyes Honoble Councill and house of
The Petition of John Needles and Eliza his Wife And John
Sherwood and Lucy his Wife and of Mary Man Spinister
all of Talbott County.
Humbly Sheweth.
That a certaine Edward Man late of Talbott County Gentl
ffather of the said Eliza Lucy and Mary : in his life time with
his owne hand did draw a certaine writeing (as Appears by
the Carracter being well knowne To many persons of un-
doubted Creditt) in forme of a Testamt or Codicill which is
not knowne to have been Altered or revoked by any latter
Will or Testaments or Words or Speeches. Yett the same
was never Witnessed, however it is Registerd in the Com-
missaryes Office. To avail soe much as in law it may; by
which writeing he did Dispose of his Estate both Reall and
Pesonall; And amongst other things did Appoint and order
Eleaven hundred and fforty acres of land at Kington to be
Equally divided betweene his Daughters your Petioners
aforemenconed by the Iudgmt and Discretion of a certaine
Mr Thomas Smithson and Mr Edward Pollard, as by the sd
Writeing herewith humbly Offer'd (Relation being thereunto
had) it doth Appear and further by the said Writing doth
appoynt and order his Daughter Anne Darby to have like
proporcon in Land out of the four Tracts he bought of Mr
John Pitts And his sonn John to have Three hundred acres
of Land out of the Tracts he had of Mr Pitts; To be allotted
by the said Mr Smithson and Mr Pollard if he shall come to
settle in the Country : To be delivered at demand. If in case
he dyes wthout Issue And his (that is if the said Edward Mans)
land in Engl should Descend to his Daughter Darby then
after the Decease of his Wife his land he then lived on to be
Equally divided betwixt the Three younger Daughters your
Petitioners aforesaid, Since which time his Sonn John dyed in
Engl : and left a Widow and one Child as your Petitioners
are most certainly informed; being at the time by Computa-
con not Two years old, and heire to all the said Land in case