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that except the said Writeing be confirmed into a Will the
said Eliza Lucy and Mary have noething of their ffathers
Estate and are with theire Husbands discouraged on such un-
certaine Tytle from makeing any Improvements and the
Youngest being unmarryed is hindered of her perferment.
The plantacons grow ruinous; The Services to the Lord
Proprietor unpaid soe tht before the Age of the Child afore-
said the Arrears of rent will Exceed the Value of the land
and many other Inconveniencyes both private and some way
Affecting the Publick will Insue the uncertainty and Ambi-
guity of tht Writeing.
Therefore To prevent all contests that hereafter may Arrise
your Petitioners humbly craves that it may be Enacted And
be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Matye by and
with the Advise and consent of this present Genll Assembly
and the Authority of the same. That the said Writeing here-
with produced Conteyning these words following (To witt)
To Mr Edward Pollard if it should please God I should never
returne To you and my family againe; doe Appoint and Ordr
after my just Debts are paid That my Eleaven hundred and
fforty acres of land at Kingstowne be Equaly divided be-
tweene my Daughters Eliza Needles, Lucy Man and Mary
Man or Survivors of them as Children lawfully begotten; not
haveing any regard to what Improvemt made thereon; Alsoe
to my Sonn Needles my old mare; one Cow and Calfe; Six
good Sermon books; and Tenn pounds in money or a Ser-
vant to serve According to the Custome of the Country To
my Daughters Lucy and Molly one feather bed and boulster ;
Also one Cow and Calfe; six good books, And one Ser-
vant to Serve according to the Custome of the Country ;
And Two Thirds of the abovesaid Land , And this to
be paid (Land present) and Servants and all at the
Expiracon of ffour years; and Mary at six Years : my
Daughter Needles her Thirds of land present; and the rest
within Twelve moneths; Also my Daughter Ann Darby to
have like proportion in Land out of the ffour Tracts I bought
of Mr John Pitt, alsoe a bedd boulster; Cow and Calfe.
Alsoe Tenn pounds in money and six good books; but if
possible the whole : To its full value to be remitted to her
into Engl: Whereof doe appoynt Mr Thomas Smithson and
you Mr Pollard. To be Judges thereof, and to be Assisting