276 Acts Passed at the Session, Mar. 16, 1701/2-Mar.25, 1702.
Lib, L. L.
No. 2.
thereby will Accrew to the Suitors. Bee it Enacted by the
Kings most Excellent Matye by and with the advice and Con-
sent of this present Genll Assembly; and the Authority of the
same; That from the ffourth Tuesday of this instant March
1701 being the 24th day of the same Moneth the County
Court of Kent County; and all writts Pleas and Process re-
turnable; To the same shall and by the Virtue of this Act is
Continued and Adjourned till the first Tuesday in Aprill next
following in as full and Ample maner as if the same County
Court were adjourned; and Continued by all the Justices there-
of: by virtue of theire Comicon any Custome Usuage or Dire-
con to the Contrary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding and
whereas heretofore on complaint of Sevrall the Inhabitants of
this Province: A certaine Act of Assembly were made and
Confirmed the 26: day of May 1697 Entituled an Act Em-
p. 414
powering the Commissioners of each respective County. To
purchase Lands for the use of theire Respective Courts, but
in the sd Act the Time for purchase or otherwise gaining such
Tytle according to the Direccon of the said Law was Limitted
to the Tenth day of Aprill in the same year which is long since
Expired. And the Justices of Calvert County haveing by
there Peticon represented to this Genll Assembly That upon
Examinacon into the Tytle of the said Court house Land for
the use of the County they find the same very deficient and
Vncertaine though they have been at vast charges in building
a Court house thereon. And are Excluded the benefitt of the
sd Act by the Limitacon of time therein : And humbly pray'd
a Suitable releife in the premisses; In tender Consideracon
whereof Bee it Enacted by the Authority Advice and Consent
aforsd that the sd Act of Assembly entituled an Act impower-
ing the Comr of each respective County. To purchase Lands
for the use o theire Respective Courts shall be and is hereby
Extended and Apply'd to the use and benefitt of the Justices
of Calvert County for buying purchaseing or otherwayes ac-
cording to the said Act Obtaineing and Acquireing a Sub-
stantiall Tytle and right To the Land on which the said Court
house stands for the use of the said County in as firme and
Ample maner as if the said Justices had done and pformed the
requesitts in the sd Act Directed within the time therein Limitted
any Limittacon or clause whatsoever in the sd Act Contained
to the Contrary in any wise notwthstanding: And the said
Justices buying or purchaseing or otherwayes Obteyning ac-
cording to the Direccons of the said Act: The land whereon
the said Court house stands and some small Adjacent quan-
tity of land not exceeding Three acres as in the said Act is limit-
ted shall and hereby declared To create and vest in his Maty:
for use of the County aforesd a firme perpetuall and sure Tytle