274 Acts Passed at the Session, Mar. 16,1701 /2-Mar.25, 1702.
Lib. L. L.
No. 2.
the Guardianshipp of such Orphan or Orphans; shall with one
Comr of the said County where the Land lyeth; and Two other
persons of good repute and well Skilled in Plantacon Affaires
neither of them being of Kinn indebted or Otherwayes In-
terested in either Orphan or Guardian enter into the sd Land
or Plantacon to such Orphan or Orphans belonging; and View-
ing the Dwelling house and out houses; Lands Orchards and
ffences that are upon the said Plant; And then and there the
said Two persons soe qualifyed as aforesj shall take theire Cor-
porall Oaths upon the holy Evangelist, by the sd Comrs to be
Administred, that According to the best of theire Skill and
Judgmt they will make just Estimacon of the Annuall value of
said Land and Plant; and what Dwelling houses out houses
are upon the same; and wt repaire they in; and in wt part
of the said Land they Judge the sd Guardian may be further
Permitted to Clear upon the sd Plant, as well to raise the
yearly rent soe Valued as aforesd As alsoe towards the
Yearly charge in keeping the sd Dwelling houses out houses,
Orchards and ffences in repaire, and soe by him to be left,
haveing always a regard to leave a proportionable part both
for quantity and Quality of the uncleared land for the benefit!
and Advantage of the Orphan and heire when at Age; To
possess the Land or Plant, as alsoe the maintainance out of
the same, where the Profitts of the Personall Estate be not
sufficient to maintaine him or them as p sd Act does more at
large appear And although the said Law be a good & bene-
ficiall Law for preserving such Orphans Estates as aforesd yett
either through Negligence or selfe Interest in the said Guard-
ians or want of a penalty to inforce the Observacon of the
p. 412
same and the sd Law hath hitherto Taken little or noe Effect ;
for remedie whereof for the future Bee it Enacted by the
Kings most Excellent Matye by and with the advice and con-
sent of this present Genll Assembly; and the Authority of the
same, that every Guardian or Guardians of any Orphan or
Orphans that shall Neglect within one moneth after entering
upon his her or their Guardianshipp aforesaid to doe and
pforme what on his her or theire part is by the said Act
required, shall forfeit the sume of ffive Thousand pounds of
Tobo and any Two persons in the said County liveing being
thereunto Demanded; that shall refuse or Neglect what in
the sd Act requires of them to doe and pforme, shall forfeit
the sume of ffive hundred Pounds of Tobo each the one halfe
thereof to our Sovereign Lord the King : the other halfe to
the informer or him or them that shall sue for the same : To
be recovered in any Court of Record within this Province, of
all and every such Person that shall sue as aforesd refuse or
Neglect to pforme, what by the said Act is required And