or other matters wherein Tolleracon and ease is granted. To
protestant Decenters by one Act made in the ffirst year of the
reigne of his present Matye and his late Consort Queen Mary
of blessed memory Entituled An Act for Exempting theire
Matyes protestant Subjects Decenting from the Church of
Engld from the Penaltyes of Cert Lawes; And by another Act
made in the 7th and 8 years of the Reigne of his present Matye.
Intituled an Act that the Solemn Affirmacon or Declar of the
people called Quakers shall be Accepted instead of an oath in
the Usuall forme, Shall have the full benefitt of all Exemptions
ease and Indulgence by the said Acts granted and allowed ac-
cording to the True intent and meaning of the sd Acts they
respectively confirming themselves in theire meeting and As-
sembling. And all other things to the ordr & rules Enjoined
by the said Acts wth this Alteracon only that the sevrall things
required or appointed by the sd Acts to be done by or at the
Genll or Quarter Session of the Peace or any other Court
wtsoever or by Two or to any one single Justice of the Peace
shall be done by to and at the respective County Courts of
this Province within whose lurisdiction the matter shall fall
out; and before to or by the lustices of the same. And that
the sevrall places used for Religious Worshpp by any such De-
centing Congregacon or Assembly shall be Certified unto and
Reister'd at the sd County Court, in the same maner, as is by
the said first menconed Act appointed to be done. To the
Bishop of the Diocesse The Arch Deacon of the Arch Deacon-
ary, and the lustices of the Peace At theire generall or Quar-
ter Sessions. Provided alsoe and be it further Enacted, that
one Act made at a Genll Assembly, begun and held at the Port
of Annapolis the 26th day of Aprill 1700 Intituled an Act for
the Service of Almighty God, and Establishmt of Religion in
this Province According to the Church of Engl &c Bee and
is hereby repealed and made a voyd.
Lib. L. L.
No. 2.
An Act for Preservation of Orphans Real Estate
Whereas by a certaine Act of Assembly of this Province en-
tituled an act for the better Administracon of Justice in Probat
of Wills and Granting Administracons recovering of Legacyes
and Secureing Filiall portions; yett in full force and unre-
pealed; Amongst other things it was Enacted that all Guardians
of Orphans that have any reall Estate in Land which the Or-
phan or Orphans to whom the same belong, Comitted to
them (otherwise then such whom the Testator in his life time,
by his last Will and Testamt hath otherwise orderd and Dis-
posed of) Within one moneth after the takeing upon him or her
p. 411