Acts Passed at the Session, Mar. 16, 1 701 /2-Mar. 25, 1702. 267
Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, by and wth the Advice
and Consent aforesaid; that there be Select Vestrys, in each
Parish of this Province; And that the severall Vestrymen of
the Severall Parishes within this Province, That now are or
hereafter shall be Chosen, be such select Vestry; Of which
Vestry the Number shall always be Six at least. Except upon
Death or Resignation or other Discharge of any of them ;
according to the Provision herein made, To that purpose And
Lib. L. L.
No. 2.
in such case of Death or Resignacon or other Legall Discharge
from serveing the remaineing part of such Vestrys shall wthall
convenient Speed Sumon & Appoynt a Generall meeting of
all the Inhabitants of the said Parish; Who are ffree holders
within the same Parish; and Contribute to the Public Taxes
& Charges of the said Parish; who shall by Majority of
Voyces Collect and Choose one or more Sober and Discreet
Person or persons freeholders of each Respective Parish; To
supply such Vacansye And such Person or Persons soe
Ellected and Chosen; shall take the Vsuall oath appoynted
by Act of Parliament instead of the Oath of Allegiance and
Supremacy; And the (following Oaths viz. I doe Solemnly
Swear and Declare that I will Justly and truly Execute the
trust or Office of a Vestryman of this Parish. According to
my best skill and Knowledge; wthout Pjudice ffavour or
Affeccon wch said Oath at the Elleccon of a New Vestry are
to be Administred by any Justice of the Peace of the County;
City or Place; where such Vestry is who is hereby required
and Impowered to Administer the same. And upon Elleccon
Afterwards either by A Justice of Peace as aforesaid or the
ffirst Vestryman who is hereby likewise required & Impowered
to Administer the same; And each person soe Elected and
Chosen; shall likewise subscribe the Test; And alsoe the
Association and haveing soe Done, and not before shall be
Deemed and taken as one of the Vestry. To all intents and
purposes. And it is hereby further ordained & Enacted by
the Consent and Authority aforesd that Two new Vestrymen
shall be Annually Chosen in the places of Two Others who
shall be Left out; To wch purpose all the Inhabitants of every
Parish being ffreeholders within the same Parish; And con-
tributeing to the Publick Taxes, and Charges thereof, or such
of them as shall think fitt to Attend; shall repaire to theire
respective Parish Churches, every Year Successively upon
Easter Munday. And there by their ffree Choyce, declare
what Two Persons shall be Discharged from their being
Vestrymen; And Chuse Two others Qualify'd according to
p. 404
this Present Act; in their stead & Room who takeing the
Oaths and performing all other things required by this present
Act or other the Laws of this Province for Vestrymen; shall
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