Lib. L. L.
No. 2.
respective Parish haveing noe other Benifice to Officiate in ;
Presented; inducted or Appoynted by his Excellcy the Govern-
eur or Comander in Cheife for the tyme being And every such
Minister is hereby Required and Enjoyned to Appoynt And
Constantly to Keep a Clerk of Such Parish Church; and to
pay and Satisfye such Clerk the Sume of One Thousand
Pounds of Tobo yearly and Every year out of the said ffourty
p Poll; And to prevent all illegall and Vnlawfull Marrages ;
not allowable by the Church of England; but forbidden by
the Table of Marrages. Bee it Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid; That noe Minister, Preist or Magistrate shall Pre-
sume to joyne Together in Marriage any Person whatsoever
Contrary to the Table of Marriage; by this Act appoynted to
be sett up; in Every Parish Church wth in this Province ;
Vnder the penalty of ffive Thousand pounds of Tobo Nor
shall any Person fforbidden to Intermarry by such Table of
Marriage prsume to be joyned in Marriage Vnder the Like
Penalty of ffive Thousand pounds of Tobo such Penalty and
fforfeiture; on either side; to be made to our Soveraigne
Lord the King; his heires and Successors, for the uses in
this Act hereafter menconed; And to prevent Any Lay Per-
sons ffrom Joyning any Persons in Marriage; Where any