Lib. L. L.
No. 2.
be Deemed and taken to be members of the said Vestry ;
To all intents and purposes. Provided alwayes that in every
Parish where any Minister or Incumbent is or shall be Law-
fully according to the Laws and usages of this Province
Appointed; and in possession of any Liveing invested wth
the 40 p Poll; and resideing therein he shall Dureing the
continuance aforesd and noe longer, be one of the Vestry of
such Parish; and Principall of such Vestry; Although there
be the Number of Six persons or more beside; And for
keeping a faire Register of all such Vestrys proceedings and
for Registring of all births Marriages and Burialls; in each
Respective Parish. Bee it Enacted by the Authority advise
and consent aforesaid. That each Vestry shall and is
hereby Obliged to provide a fitt Person for a Register;
who shall at all times keep a true and faire Registry of
the Sevall proceeds of Such Vestry from time to time
in Executeing their trust and Authority; and making
just and true entry's thereof, which Person soe to be
Appointed for keeping such Registry, shall take the
Oath substituted in the place of the oaths of Allegiance and
Supremacy and Subscribe the Test and Association; and alsoe
an oath to be given him by the said Vestry; which oath the
said Vestry are hereby impowered To Administer accordingly
for the due and ffaithfull Executeing his said Office; before he
shall be Admitted into the said Office; And shall make due
entry of all Vestry proceedings, and of all Births, Marriages
and Burrials (Negroes and Mullattoes excepted) That is to
say the Christian and Sir name; with the day moneth and year
of every such Births, Marriages or Burryalls; To wch purpose all
and every the Inhabitants of each Parish that are either Parent,
Guardians, Overseers, Masters or Mistresses of any person,
borne, Married or buried, are hereby Injoyned and required,
To give Notice, To the Register of such Parish within Two
Moneths after such Birth, Marriage or Buriall; and pay him
six pence for entrying it at the time of giveing Notice afore-
said under the Penalty of one hundred pounds of Tobo To be
forfeited by such Inhabitants Aforesaid; Refuseing or neglect-
ing as aforesaid under the penalty of one hundred pounds of
Tobo To be fforfeited by such Register refuseing or neglecting
to enter it; haveing received his fee for the same. And such
Register is hereby Obliged To shew any Person or Persons
Reasonably desireing it any such Register, give a Cert, of any
p. 406
Births, Marriages, or Burialls That shall be reasonably required
of him; and shall have for his ffees from such person; Six pence,
for any Search, and Six pence for any Copy or Cert given as
aforesaid and noe more; hereby Ratefying & confirming as
Vallid all Registers, or Entrys of any Births, Marriages, or