In answer Whereto.
By his Exncy the Governr & Council in Assembly,
May the 8th 1700
In answer to the Message by Mr Sanders and Capt
Phillips relating to the Church, the Gentlemen proposed to
be entrusted are very desirous to promote the Building of
the said Church and willing to do their Utmost to advance
the same: Wherefore they accept of the said Trust, provided
the house agree they should lodge the mony when by them
received in some able and responsable merchts hands in Lon-
don (to be now named by the house) and there to lye till
called out of his hands but not at the risque of the Trustees
in Case anything should happen to the said mercht
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl Concil
A Bill for Speedy Tryall of Criminalls read the first tyme
and will pass.
A Bill for quieting Differences between the English and
Indians read the second tyme and sent to the house together