Sent by Col Hutchins and Col Hamond
Then came Mr Philemon Lloyd and Dr Lockerman Who
bring up two Bills
One for lessening Talbott County and constituting
a County by the name of County which was read and
The other being a Bill renewing the Temporary Laws
was read and sent to the house by Mr Frisby and Mr
Colonel Beal's petition read Complaining against Mr Clem-
ent Hill Junior his Ldps Surveyor of Prince George's County
that the said Hill had refused to returne his Certificate of
Lands, and had returned a Certificate to his owne use.
Thereupon it is recomended to the houses Considracon,
And if they find what is alleadged in the petition to be true,
It will be verry requisite they make some order thereupon to
prevent such ill practices for the future.
Mr Sanders & Capt Phillips come from the House and
present Colonel Willm Pearce to be sworne as a Delegate of
Cecill, Who tooke the Usual oaths & Subscribed the Test &
They also bring the following Message — Viz.
By the House of Delegates
May the 8th 1700
The Message Yesterday by Col Addison, Col Courts &
Thos Brooke Esqr relating to the mony raised for building
the Church was here read and the house concurr therewith,