The same was sent up to his Excy and Councill by Mr Phil-
lemon Loyd and Mr George Muschamp. Who returne &
say they delivered their message.
The House adjournes till to morrow morning 7 a Clock.
Die lovis, March 19th 1701/2
The house mett againe and being called over, all were
prsent as yesterday.
Proposed whether the house shall proceed upon his Excys
Message by Collo Addison and others of his Matys honble
Councill of the 17th March 1701/2 Relateing to the Act for
Religious Worship.
Resolved by the house they doe proceed.
And the aforesaid Act now lyeing under consideracon of
the house, It is ordered the Act or Bill sent out of England
be referred to the Comee of Laws to compare with the act for
religion of this province and that the Comittee make obser-
vacon and remarks of wt alteracon there may be found, and
reporte the same to the house by all convenient speed.
Proposed by a member the great ill conveniency for encour-
ageing of vice by two frequent horse raceing on Saturdays,
whether it be not necessary to make a law for suppresing the
same on Satturdays.
Resolved that the same be recomended to the Comittee of
Laws to prepare A Bill with some Mults &c.
The message of the 18 of March 1701/2 relateing to the
14d p tonn being reassumed. And forasmuch as it have been
reported to the house that Strict Search and Enquiry have
been made for discovering of the same. It is ordered that a
message be drawn up in answer to his Excys demand therein,
which follows, viz :
By the House of Delegates March 19th 1701/2.
May it please Your Excellency.
In answer to the latter parte of his Excys Messuage p Collo
John Hammond and Collo Edward Loyd relateing to the 14d
p tonn.
This house have made strict search and enquiry Into the
Originall Law and some Iournals of Assembly for discovery
of the same and what discovery is made relateing thereto this
house recomends to your Excy for perusall such matters as ap-
peares with directions to the Gent : by whom this corns to
produce and shew the particular Law and minutes thereof
with some remarks thereupon since and if your Excy please