This house held some debate. Whereupon Voted whither
advancing of Coyne in the Province of Pensilvania be preju-
diciall and draws money out of this province or not. Carryed
in the affirmative.
And Resolved that Pensilvania hath opportunity under a
proprty Governmt of advancing the coine which hath been
found very prejudiciall to this Province. But for drawing
away Servants and people and harbouring fugitives, This
house knows not of any such thing done by any publick
Countenance or Authority.
And Lastly that Article for not putting themselves in a
State of defence.
This house say they finde themselves in a very good State
and Condition, but as to their neighbouring Collonyes this
house say nothing.
Resolved a Message be drawne up thereupon and sent to
his Excy and Councill, which followes viz :
By the house of Dellegates March 18th 1701/2
This house haveing taken under consideracon the message
this day by Collo Jno Hammond and Collo Edward Loyd to-
geather with the Lords Comrs of trade and plantacons Lre :
and the observations thereon being here read. It is by the
house answered as follg
As to the first and Second observacons wherein its sayd
they assumed to themselves a power to make Laws &c and
such laws as they enact they refuse to send home.
This house say they know noe such thing.
3. Relateing to appeales &c It is acknowledged by this
house that in time of the Proprietary Governmt here, appeales
for England have been denied.
4. As to pyrats and illegal Traders &c : This house say
they never knew of any to be harboured or favoured in the
5. As to Raiseing and Lowering Coyne &c. This house
say that Pensilvania hath oppertunity under a proprietary of
advancing their Coyne, wch hath been found very Prejudiciall
to this Province.
But for Drawing away Servants and people and harbouring
This house know not of any such thing done by any Pub-
lick Countenance or Authority. And Lastly the Article for
not putting themselves in a State of Defence.
This house say they finde themselves in a very good State
and Condition. But as to their neighboring Collonys this
house say nothing. Signed p Order,
W Taylard Clk: house Dell: