The Govrs of the propry and charter Governmts are Gener-
ally not qualified by taking the Oaths required by law nor
have they his Matys approbacon according to the Act of Trade
and more perticularly the late Acts for preventing frauds and
regulateing abuses in the plantacon trade.
They assumed to themselves a power to make Laws con-
trary and repugnant to the Laws of England and prejudiciall
to our trade.
Some of them have refused to send hither such Laws as
they enact, some neglect to doe it and others have sent the
Laws being imperfect.
Divers of them have refused appeales to his Matye and
Councill by which the Inhabitants of those Collonyes are
deprived of the benefitt allowed in the plantacons under his
Matys Government, and the party's aggreived are left without
remedy from the Arbitrary and illegall proceedings of their
Those proprietary Collonys are the Ordinary refuge and
retreate of Pyrats and illegall traders.
By raiseing and Lowering their Coyne from time to time
(as may be for their perticular advantage) the prejudice other
Collonyes receive in drawing away their money and likewise
drawing away their Servants and people and harbour ffugi-
They Employ themselves to improvements of Woolen and
other manufactures and products of England which they
carry directly to forreigne parts and more especially to the
Spanish Indies.
And they furnish themselves with all sorts of European
comoditys from forreigne parts to the Great prejudice of the
Interest of this Kingdome.
They doe not putt themselves in a state of Defence by
haveing any Regular Malitia, Arms or Amunicon, some of
them are in a State of Anarchy and Confusion.
Which being read the house pceeds to debate the same.
And as to the first and second observacon wherein it's said
they assumed to themselves the power to make laws, and
such as they enacted they refuse to send home.
This house say they know no such thing.
3rdly Relateing to appeales &ca It is acknowledged by
this house that in the time of the Proprietary Governmt here
appeales for England have been denied.
4Iy As to Pyrats and illegall Traders &c: This house say
they never knew of any to be harboured or favoured in this
5thly As to the Article relateing to Raiseing and Lowering
of Coyne.