By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
March 18th 1701/2
Herewith is sent you the Rt Honble the Lords Comrs of
Trade & planta Lre: to his Excy the Govr of the 22d of July
last requireing his Excy to gett the best informacon he cann
relateing to the Conduct of the proprietary Govrs and Gov-
ernmt upon the Severall heads of observations in the said
Lre: enclosed and upon such other heads as may be proper
to give a true light into the State of the plantacons more
especially in relation to this province while it was under Gov-
ernours appointed by the proprietor.
And also as to Pennsilvania and the Iersey's which are
the nearest to this province, and thereupon you are desired
in Complyance to the sd Lre: from their Lordsps to represent
what you know or have heard either in respect to this province
whilst under proprietary Governts or otherwise of Pensilvania
and the Jersey's according to their Lordsps desire, and inas-
much as it hath been offered at this board that some Gent
of knowne probity now in your house have reported tht they
were Sencible the 14d p tonn formerly and yett taken by and
paid to the Lord Baltemore as porte Dutys was intended &
given for the maintainance of Forts and Defence of the prov-
ince and was originally stated and called Forte Dutys' and
not porte Duty's but by some Sinister means contrary to the
intent of the Assembly that gave it it was altered and changed
into porte Duty's
Therefore wee Desire you will enquire into this matter and
endeavour to gett the best informacon and Satisfacon you
cann therein the said Revenue of 14d p Tonn being now of
great emolument and in case it be made appeare to be mis-
applyed that is contrary to the intent it was raised for, proper
means may be used to regaine that disadvantage to the
Signed p order. W Bladen Clk Councill.
Which said Message being read, It is resolved it be againe
read in a full house.
The house adjournes for an howre
Post Merid: The house mett againe and being called over.
Were present as in the morning only Mr Vanderhayden
absent being sick.
The Message by Collo John Hammond and Collo Edward
Loyd againe read. And the Lords Comr Lre: and observa-
tions mentioned in the same were here likewise read.
Which observations here followes, viz :