And ordered that Majr Wm Dent and Mr Phillemon Loyd
carry the same up to his Excy and Councill.
They ret. and say they have delivered the Same.
The house adjournes till to morrow morning 7 a Clock.
Die Mercurij March 18th 1701/2
The house mett againe and being called over were present
as yesterday, and appeared in the house Mr W. Harris Mr
Mathew Vanderhayden two members for Cecill County and
tooke their places in the house.
Read the Peticon of the Justices of Calvert County relate-
ing to their Court house therein Setting fourth the deficiency
of their Title to the Land whereon the Court house stands and
praying releife.
Resolved that the Comittee of Laws prepare a Bill for that
The answer to the Messuage yesterday relateing to his Excy
Speech the Consideration whereof for Severall weighty rea-
sons is referred till to morrow morning.
The Reporte of the Committee of Laws relateing to the
Testament of Edward Mann recomended to the Councill was
againe raturned to this house by the honble James Saunders
Esqr and Collo Wm Holland two of his Matys honble Councill
which was thus Endorsed
By his Excy the Govr and Councill,
March 18th 1701/2
The Peticon of John Needles and Eliza his Wife, Jno Sher-
wood and Lucey his Wife and Mary Mann Spinstres togeather
with the reporte of the Comittee of Laws, thereupon being
read at the Board is here well approved of and his Excy and
Councill are willing a Bill should be brought into confirme the
deficient testament as prayed for.
Signed p order.
W Bladen Clk Councill.
Which said petition was read in this house. And Ordered
A Bill be prepared for the Same.
Collo John Hammond and Collo Edward Loyd from his
Matys Honble Councill Enters the house and delivers the follo
Message to Mr Speaker.